Thursday, June 25, 2009

And Jesus said, "Let the Little Children Come to Me"

This is Sadie. She is #4 in a lineup of 5 children. As her mom, Allie and I were preoccupied taking pictures of her newborn baby sister Lola, Sadie played contentedly nearby, talking to herself, laughing, and occasionally wandering back over to make sure that Lola was being well cared for. It was quite the photoshoot for Sadie...she wasn't really concerned about how many pictures were taken of her, what her hair looked like or even if there was chocolate cookie smeared all over her chin. She was just happy to be with us. Such is the life of a sibling so far down in the pecking order.
It has been said that if we allow God to be our birth control, we will have a huge family, because God loves children. It has also been said that we should never have more children than we can afford to take care of. It's a good thing that I have never heard both of those comments come from the same mouth at the same time.
Big families are a blessing. Children are a blessing. Blessed is the man whose quiver is full of them.

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