Wednesday, June 24, 2009

What Generation Gap?

When I was growing up, we used to talk about the "Generation Gap" a lot. What we were talking about was the inability for our parents to understand the choices we, music, friends, religion, politics. There was such a huge difference in the way we perceived life and how we treated each other because of it. Now that I have my own kids, it seems that term is obsolete. In my home, my girls and I share clothes, all 4 talk openly about subjects that were forbidden in my childhood, they freely disagree with me and have their own strong opinions about things I didn't even understand until I was a young adult; and the most meaningful "lack of gap" thread that we share is music. My parents made me go in my room and close my door when I listened to music. They never knew who was popular and they had no idea what kind of music I listened to or preferred.

I am grateful that my kids share my love for music and that they love a lot of the same music that I loved as a teenager. I listen to a pretty wide variety of their music as well, and I even can name some of them when I hear them on their favorite stations.

I took this picture at Ellie's 1st birthday party, and I was intrigued by their interaction. The only real gap between right now is their age. Let's hope it stays that way.

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